Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Here are your tasks:
  1. Watch the video, and fill in the 10 blanks below. 
    1. Check your answers with 2 classmates.
    2. Sing the song by yourself using a rubber band for stress, and then together with a partner or two.
  2. How does Freddy handle rejection?
    1. Discuss your answer with a partner.
      1. Would you have done the same? Give reasons.
      2. What advice would you have given him?
      3. If it had been a girl getting rejected, would your advice be the same?
    2. Check out this most famous hymn by a Canadian.
      1. Find out who, where, and what happened in the poet's life.
      2. What does he advise when "friends despise, forsake" you?
      3. Compare his advice with Freddy's approach.
    3. Write down 10 dos and don'ts of sending or receiving a rejection.
      1. Have a partner check your work before publishing.
      2. Comment on as many classmates' blogs as you can.
I have often walked down this __(1)street__ before,
But the pavement always stayed beneath my __(2)_feet_ before.
All at once am I several stories high.
Knowing I'm on the street where you live.

Are there lilac trees in the __(3)_heart of town?
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town?
Does enchantment pour out of __(4)every__ door?
No, it's just on the street where you live!

And, oh, the towering _feeling_(5)__
Just to know somehow you are _know_(6)__ ;
The overpowering feeling
That any second you may suddenly _near_(7)__ !

People stop and __(8)_stare_ . They don't bother me,
For there's nowhere else on Earth that I would __rather(9)__ be.
Let the __(10)__time go by. I won't care if I
Can be here on the street where you live.

1 comment:

  1. Good work!
    Do check:
    3. can't be an adjective
    6. can't be a verb
