Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Have you ever been in love?
What were the symptoms?
Discuss it with someone from a different cultural background.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Watch the video, and fill in the blanks below. 
    1. Check your answers with 2 classmates.
    2. Sing the song by yourself and then together with a partner or two.
  2. What differences do men and women have in this song?
    1. Discuss your answers with a partner.
    2. Write down 10 things that happen when a person has a crush on someone or falls in love. How is it different in a different culture?

I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And _still__have_ __begged__ ___for__ more_____.

I __could___ have spread______my___wings_ _____
And done a thousand things
I've never done before.

I'll never know _what_ __made_ _it_ __so_exciting;
Why all at once my heart took flight.

I only know when he
__began___ __to___ __dance___ _with____ _me____
I ___could__ have____danced_ ___danced__ _danced__...
All night!
10 things that happen when a person has a crush on someone or falls in love:
1.People in love regularly exhibit signs of emotional dependency on their relationship, including possessiveness, jealousy, fear of rejection, and separation anxiety.
2.They also long for emotional union with their beloved, seeking out ways to get closer and day-dreaming about their future together.
3.People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person's pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person.
4.Falling in love is marked by a tendency to reorder your daily priorities and/or change your clothing, mannerisms, habits or values in order for them to better align with those of your beloved.
5.Those who are deeply in love typically experience sexual desire for their beloved.
6.Individuals who report being "in love" commonly say their passion is involuntary and uncontrollable.
7.They go through some sort of adversity with another person.
8.Men and women will get increased energy, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, trembling,etc.
9. People who are truly in love tend to focus on the positive qualities of their beloved, while overlooking his or her negative traits.
10.They  focus on trivial events and objects that remind them of their loved one.

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