Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday, May 9, 2016

CLB5W Write a formal invitation for a group function (such as a company picnic, BBQ or potluck).

1.Have you ever received a formal invitation to a big event? Look at 10 formal invitations here, and write down 5-6 expressions of politeness or formality. These may include unusual adverbs, key nouns and verbs, and passive verb forms. How are they different from an informal invitation?
Yes, I have received a formal invitation for the birthday party of my daughter's classmate.
An informal invitation may be just a phone call or a short email with a little words about something to be done.However, an formal invitation can has a art background with colorful  picture, beautiful fonts and some kind of things, which make the receiver feel the invitation more polite and formal.
2.Think of a group function with some details, and write a formal invitation appropriate to that event.
3.Ask yourself: Did you convey the intended meaning; use language and content appropriate and relevant to the situation; and express main ideas and support them in some detail?
Templates online are useful. They give intended meaning clearly and contents appropriately. We can use them productively.

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